Email: Tel: 252-943-3770

All basic memberships listed below will receive the following BENEFITS
A Chamber window decal to bring added credibility to your business
Listing on the back page of every Chamber newsletter
Inclusion in the Business Directory section of the bi-annual Visitors Guide
Discounted advertising rates for the bi-annual Visitors Guide
Receipt of all Chamber newsletters and emails
Chamber generated customer referrals
Chamber sponsored networking opportunities
Recognition on website, newsletter and social media
Opportunity to display your business flyer/card in the Member Only office rack display
Annual Banquet recognition
Discounted advertising rates on the radio show “Talk of the Town”
Inclusion in the new closed Facebook Group that encourages direct member communication
Website opportunities:
banner ad
feature as the Business of the Week
partial or entire page ad
Recognition on Chamber Instagram and Facebook pages
Inclusion in the Belhaven downtown map provided to all visitors